Family Wellbeing Program: a model for empowerment

Family Wellbeing Program: a model for empowerment

Les and Komla (front row seated) training and mentoring Gurriny Health Workers to embed Family Wellbeing into their services and programs, Yarrabah, May 2019. The Family Wellbeing Program is a social and emotional wellbeing program that has helped Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to take control of their lives and target critical issues like suicide in their communities. In Far North Queensland, Les Baird […]

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Itha Mari – Aboriginal Health and Healing at the Kirketon Road Centre

Itha Mari –  Aboriginal Health and Healing at the Kirketon Road Centre

The Kirketon Road Centre (KRC) in King’s Cross, Sydney, provides prevention, treatment and care for clients with respect to HIV prevention, sexual health, drug and alcohol dependence, and those exposed to transmissible infections and domestic violence. Over ten years ago, KRC identified that local Aboriginal people were reluctant to access their services.  The Itha Mari  Aboriginal Healing Group was established to address this issue. From […]

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Brothers 4 Recovery – delivering a strong message of hope

Brothers 4 Recovery – delivering a strong message of hope

Brothers 4 Recovery is a not for profit program run by Jefferey Amatto and Steve Morris – two men who are passionate about sharing their personal journeys of experience, strength and hope to inspire change in communities. Jeff and Steve once went through years of misery and pain, jail and hospitals, trying to find a way out of the revolving door of drug and alcohol […]

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Social Impacts

Social Impacts

Risky levels of alcohol and other drug use contribute to a range of harms for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for both individuals and the community . Alcohol and other drug use not only impacts on the physical and mental health of individuals but also affects the care of children, family safety and community wellbeing. High levels of alcohol and other drug use are […]

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Health Impacts

Health Impacts

Alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use is strongly linked with increased risk of chronic disease and blood borne viruses, as well as poor social and emotional wellbeing, potential harms to unborn children, disability,  injury and death . Alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs have been linked to a greater likelihood of developing a chronic disease or worsening the symptoms of an existing chronic disease such as […]

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Harm Reduction

Harm Reduction

Harm reduction is an approach that aims to reduce the risks that arise from alcohol and other drug use . The focus of harm reduction is on encouraging safer behaviours and settings, to prevent harms from alcohol and other drug use to the person, their family members and the broader community. Some examples of harm reduction programs are : clean needle and syringe programs to […]

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Illicit Drugs – General

Illicit Drugs – General

An illicit drug is one that is illegal to have (for example, methamphetamine, heroin, and cocaine), and the non-medical use of drugs that are legally available such as pain killers and sleeping pills . What are the harms from using illicit drugs? Using illicit drugs can lead to health problems including : risk of overdose chronic disease (heart and liver problems) blood-borne viruses (infections like […]

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Amphetamines and Cocaine

Amphetamines and Cocaine

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Justice reinvestment: Creating brighter futures for Aboriginal young people

Justice reinvestment: Creating brighter futures for Aboriginal young people

The Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project in Bourke, New South Wales is an innovative, community-led initiative that aims to demonstrate how justice reinvestment approaches can reduce prison populations, save money, and create brighter futures for Aboriginal young people. Justice reinvestment is an approach that seeks to build stronger communities by redirecting money that would usually be spent on prison back into community services and supports. It […]

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Binar sports

Binar sports

Binar sports is a program in Western Australia that has been so successful in engaging local young people in sport and recreation through basketball competitions, that they decided to further develop the talent of their players by expanding their program to compete in State championships. Originally part of the Midnight basketball program, Binar sports aims to provide disadvantaged young people with the opportunity to participate […]

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Bushmob – new facilities provide expanded service to help young people make positive choices

Bushmob – new facilities provide expanded service to help young people make positive choices

BushMob run a number of unique programs to meet the needs of young people who want to get their lives back on track without alcohol, drugs or sniffing. Located in Central Australia, the service provides both residential treatment and outreach. Bush therapy is also an important part of their programs –  they go on journeys which include bushwalking, rock climbing, swimming, horse treks, and life […]

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Cannabis yarns – stories about the real effects of cannabis

Cannabis yarns – stories about the real effects of cannabis

Cannabis yarns was a project about sharing stories on the effects cannabis has on people, culture, family and the future of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Filmed in 2014 and launched in November of that year, two feature videos were produced by National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC) in collaboration with Aboriginal communities in Macquarie Fields, Sydney and Katherine, Northern Territory. The films […]

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Tobacco comes from the dried leaves of the tobacco plant. It contains nicotine, a stimulant drug that speeds up messages travelling between the brain and the body. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco that causes addiction . As well as nicotine, there are more than 7000 chemicals in tobacco, and at least 250 are known to be harmful . Of these 250 harmful chemicals, at […]

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Community Portal

Community Portal

The AOD Knowledge Centre Community Portal is for Elders and community members who may be concerned about alcohol and drug use in their community. Family, friends and Elders may be worried about someone’s drug use, looking for support and want to find out more on how others are taking action in their communities. Find information here on useful resources, community-based organisations, programs to support people, […]

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Workforce Development

Workforce Development

Workforce development in the alcohol and other drugs (AOD) field aims to build the capacity of organisations and individuals to prevent and respond to AOD-related problems and to promote evidence-based practice. It adopts a systems approach that goes beyond the provision of education and training to include issues such as recruitment and retention, workforce planning, professional and career development and worker wellbeing. Without addressing these […]

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Volatile Substance Use

Volatile Substance Use

Volatile substance use (VSU) is the intentional breathing in of chemical substances by a person to feel drunk, buzzing or excited . Because the chemical substance is breathed in (or inhaled), these substances are also known as ‘inhalants’. Other terms include ‘sniffing’, ‘chroming’, and ‘huffing’. Every-day products used for sniffing include: deodorant air freshener lighter fluid fly spray petrol . As volatile substances are typically […]

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Prescription Drugs

Prescription Drugs

The most commonly used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes are benzodiazepines (sometimes called benzos) and opioids (oxycodone, fentanyl, morphine and codeine) . Benzodiazepines (such as Diazepam or Valium) are drugs that are usually prescribed by a doctor to calm people down or help people sleep. Prescription opioids are usually prescribed for pain relief. Other prescription drugs used for non-medical purposes include stimulants like dexamphetamine . […]

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