
While most Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people do not use illicit drugs the most commonly reported illicit drugs used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are [48574]:

  • cannabis (gunja or yarndi)
  • cocaine
  • pain-killers/pain-relievers and opioids for non-medical purposes
  • hallucinogens
  • methamphetamine and amphetamine (ice or speed).

Surveys show that illicit drug use is more common among younger age groups, and men are more likely than women to have recently used an illicit drug [31278][39231].

For a summary of statistical information updated yearly on the prevalence of illicit drug use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, see also the illicit drugs section in our latest Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status.


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Turtle Dreaming by Donna Rioli

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