Treatment and support

There are currently no medicines available to help people who are experiencing addiction to sniffing inhalants. However, there are medicines that can help to address some of the symptoms of sniffing, such as depression and nervousness (agitation) [23513].

Counselling can be a good way to help people with volatile substance use issues, and can include techniques like:

  • brief intervention
  • motivational interviewing
  • general relapse prevention counselling [23513].

Providing alternative options to VSU or other drugs, especially for young people, is an important way to reduce the contact that young people have with sniffing volatile substances [38141]. These can include programs such as Binar Futures, a not-for-profit, community-based program that uses basketball to help young people aged 5-17 years to strengthen community connections, health and wellbeing.

For people who might not be ready to stop sniffing, it is important to reduce the harms that are linked to VSU [23513]. Some suggestions for reducing harms when sniffing solvents include:

  • staying away from dangerous places like roads or fires
  • sniffing in open places so there is lots of oxygen for the lungs
  • sniffing with sober people, so they can call for help if needed
  • asking for low aromatic fuel (LAF) to be stocked.


Key resources



Rain Meets Creek, Creek Meets River, River Meets Sea by William Miller

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